Friday, November 13, 2009

Wow what a day!

ahh.... Finally home after a long long day. It started at 5am when I woke up and couldnt go back to sleep this morning at all. So at about 7:30 I decided I might as well get up and get a shower before I had to get the muchkin up and ready for pre-school today. So I got him ready then out the door I went have been going and going all day. After dropping him off at school, I went to the grocery store, I spent way to much time there because I had to rush home and throw my cold stuff in the fridge and freezer in the bags still and run back out the door. My Dr's appt went well, I was 5 mins late however, but she was running behind today which was good for me since I was late! I've gained 33lbs so far and shouldnt gain much more since I only have 10 days left! WOO HOO I'm measuring 38 wks and Im 37.5 wks so not to far off. My guess is 8.5lbs when he comes and about 19-20 inches. He will be 12 days sooner than Noah, he was 40+5 days and was 9lbs 8oz and 21 inches.

After my appointment I went to Target and met my sis in law and 2 of her kids for lunch and shopping. Got some things I needed for the baby and for the house. Then I had about 30 minutes before I had to get Noah from pre-school, so I went down the way a bit (walking distance) to a nail place to get my eye brows down. I feel human again after getting them done! I've put it off way to long to get them done. THEN I get him from school, get the oiled changed, go get my scripts from Kroger and drop off my maternity papers. Noah decided he wanted McDonalds for dinner so I caved and got a Angus Burger! YUMM! Now it is time to relax for the rest of the evening, because I'm pooped!

It must be nice to be a cat to just lay around all day and be lazy....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterns Day!

To all those who have served and are currently serving in our Armed Forces I thank you for your selfless service and sacrifice. To all those who have lost their lives in the pursuit of our daily freedoms, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. To my dearest husband, I love you and thank you for serving and now is a disabled vet for medical reasons. To my cousin that is over there right now fighting for our pursuit of happiness on his third tour, I thank you. To all my friends I have made that are serving as soldiers or as their spouses I salute you. To be an American Soldier is a very high honor and should be respected, if you haven't already Thank one today for your freedom. If is wasn't for them, our country wouldn't be the wonderful thing it is today. Today is a day to be truely thankful.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ouchies today

Well the baby seems to have found my siactic nerve and likes to press on it! Lil stinker gets me on one side so I get pain down my butt and leg then a little while later he hits the other side! I'm getting ready for his arrival 2 weeks from today. We are so excited to welcome our newest family memeber. He will make #19 great-grandbaby for my Nana and Grandaddy. #2 Grandchild for both of my parents, seeing how neither one of my sisters have kiddos that aren't four footed and furry! #10 Grandchild for my in-laws. I'm one of 13 grandbabies for my grand-parents and my mom is the oldest of 5, 3 brothers and 1 sister. Let me tell you, from some of the stories I've heard from my mom and Nana about those boys! WOW I'm in for it! Throwing bricks at each other heads, climbing on the counters to get to the baby asprins 3 differenet times and having their stomaches pumped.... I could go on and on but then I would be up all night typing!

My dearest hubby got a new game last week and today. Dragon Age and the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Lets just say unless he is at work, I dont get much TV time in the livingroom! LOL But that is ok, he does work 12 hour shifts at the hosptial and its ruff for him. So he can play for now, untill the baby comes and he has to put the remotes down for a bit and help!
My shower was this past Sunday at our church. The picture is of me holding a bottle of Barefoot Merlot that Judy was so sweet to get. They were so cute! The bottles had baby foot prints on them, as well as on the corks and tin tops. I saved the tops and corks for his baby book and keepsake box (which I still need!). This was the only bottle left that was unopened so we are going to save it until I'm allowed to drink again! I got so many cute cloths and wonderful gifts from everyone that came and a few others that were unable to make it. My Nana send the baby a homemade blanket and my cousin & parents send me a giftcard to Babies R Us to go towards my Sit-N-Stand I need very much. With the other giftcards I received I have the cost of it almost covered!
After my appointment on Friday, I plan to go and spend my giftcards at Target and Babies R Us while muchkin is in pre-school and hubby is at work. I only have 2 more Dr's appointments till it will be time for my planned c-section on the 24th at 7:30am! Im not a morning person and haveing to be there at 6am isn't the most appealing time for me! The lil man will stay with Memaw and Pappa Terry till later that morning and visit since I won't be out of recovery for awhile. Plus he is like his momma NOT a morning person and does not like to be woke up. The rest of the family that is in town will more than likely all make apperances some time that day. The Dr said that as long as there is no complications we can go home on Thursday which will be Thanksgiving. My mother in law is having a big family dinner that day, but we will not be attending this year for obivous reasons. I told them all if they want to come over a few at a time and visit that evening that they are more than welcome to. My mother will be here and she is going to help cook a small meal for just her, her hubby, and the 4 of us. Maybe just a Turkey breast, some stuffing, some veggies, and of course, Cherry Pie for me!!! Wouldn't be Thanksgiving without my Cherry Pie, I hate Pumpkin pie!
Well Im getting tired and must put myself to bed. Going into the home streatch now of counting down the days till baby Gabriel comes and makes our family from 3 to 4!