My 30th birthday.....
Yes I was totally dreading it, just ask anyone that follows me on twitter! I am sure I was about to drive them all nuts with my whining. My poor friends at school were probably tired of my whining as well. I was going on and on with "omg I am turning 30, and I am not in my 20s anymore" blah blah blah blah

Everyone was being so nice in putting up with my crap. About a week before my friend B said she was going to take me out! When we were chatting about going I showed her my new jeans to get her opinion about them. I had gotten a pair of skinny jeans. They are super fitted and she helped me feel better about buying them. I was unsure that I was young enough to pull them off. But with a loser fitting top I felt better wearing them. So armed with my birthday outfit I was ready for my day! Went drop off the boys, Noah at my neighbors (he goes to her house for car pool on Tuesdays), dropped off Gabriel at the day care, then off to school for the morning. Several of my classmates wished me a wonderful birthday. My step dad actually beat my mom, she is usually the first one to call me. He only beat her because he woke up first! Came home did (ugh) homework, picked the boys up and waited for Mike to come home. He came home with a cake, card, and Trueblood Season 3 SQUEEEE!!!!
We ended up on having a super late dinner, I had PTO and she had a volunteer thing to go to at 6:30 for the both of us. She goes to a shelter and helps with the animals with her daughter, that is so neat! Before we went to dinner I had tweeted Dale Murphy (only my 2nd favorite baseball player EVER!) to ask him if he would tweet me a happy birthday because it would be just perfect to end my day with. Well my sister L she saw that and tweeted him too asking him to tweet her lil sis a happy big 3-0 birthday. While at dinner I was checking the time and saw it was L, she told me to check my twitter feed.... O M G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO FREAKING WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally made my day!! Sorry so side note on that, we had a great time at dinner. She let me cry a little, laugh a lot, and just be me. Not mommy, not wife, not retail worker, not student, not housewife, not maid, not taxi driver, just me. 30 year old me. It was really nice to get a break from all those hats, even if it was for only like 2 hours. A little bit of drinking was ensued of course! We had an apple martini and then when dinner came pom margaritas. Those ritas were A-MAZING! I also remembered while we were there that I don't drink much anymore and yup I was very buzzed.

This last video was taken right before the boys got ready for bed. Its just too cute not to share, it was a great birthday present to get even if it wasn't meant to be one. Noah was goofing around with a pack of tissues and Gabriel just thought it was too funny. Right before I started filming it he was laughing so hard that he grabbed his stomach and fell to the ground! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
and with those final giggles of delight, that is all...