Where can you vent these days? Facebook? Nope, if you go there and vent someone will see and tell on you. Blog same thing! Twitter is just about as bad. When you want to get it all out its hard to find a safe place to get it out in the open and make yourself feel better. If you keep it all in you will just make yourself sick.
So you think you can go to a message board and your safe. Not bashing boards here, some are wonderful and can really help you out. But lets face it there will always be a few "bad apples" in the bunch. I have been a victim of online bulling not only in high school, but as an adult as well. I know a few friends that have been victims as well. I have left the board that a few people were bashing me for telling my side of MY story. People taking offense to my own personal beliefs. Bashing me for having a IUI to have my second child. You name it they found a reason to hate me. I am one of those people I am so nice it makes others sick. I care far to much about others feelings before my own. So I have tried my hardest to make sure I take care of my own before worrying about those stupid people. Don't get me wrong, you mess with me I might not fight back as hard. You mess with my family that is a WHOLE new story and can of worms you do NOT want to open.
Of course you can always have your "go to" person. I have quite a few that I can tell just about everything. And I know I can tell them in confidence. What I am talking about is where can you go (besides a therapist) and let it out if you don't want to talk to those people. Do you have a "safe" place you can go?
If you can't find that place, find someone. If you know that someone is bulling you or someone else. Take a stand and put a stop to it. Nothing breaks my heart more than hearing about online bullies of a high school student that committed suicide. So my question is, do you know what your kids are doing? Are you involved in their lives? I know where my kids are, who their friends are, I go to PTO, I stay in contact with their teachers. I do these things in spite of being tired, need to study, taking tests, and everything that goes along with the many hats I wear these days. Yes my kids are still young, doesn't mean I won't be doing the same thing in the future. In 12 years when Noah is in his Senior year of High School I will most certainly be able to tell you these things.
I know this kind of turned into a anti-bully speech, and venting rant. I just feel the need to get this out there in the open. And on that very sleepy note
that is all...
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