So it's summertime...
what am I doing? Going to SCHOOL!!! Isn't school out for the summer? Not for me! I am about to start week four of my 5.5 weeks of summer classes. THEN I am out till fall semester!
Not to brag but I have almost pulled up my overall GPA to be in Pi Theta Kappa! About 8yrs ago I went to the same college there and had to leave in the middle of the semester. I dropped the classes but they didn't drop.... sooooo after I realized this... 6yrs later... it was too damn late to do anything about it... so I had two F's on my transcript. Nice... SOOOO I have been busting my butt to make sure I bring up my GPA. and I almost have! With any luck before I graduate I will do so. You have to have a 3.5 to get in, I have a 3.43 now. So long as I don't blow it I think it CAN be done!
While I'm here busting my butt at school and work, my boys are with their Memaw and Poppa in GA. They went to camp with them this past week. Its a wildlife camp, they got to hold snakes (um glad it wasn't me!), shoot a bow, fish, and dozens of other fun stuff. On their last day of camp they got to do HUGE water blow-up water slides. My monkey man, he LOVED it! I saw some of the photos and he looked scared to death going down but mom said he keep saying "again again, more more" lol Step-bro Shane and Cowbo took him many times, so did my step-bro Blake. My oldest was so excited about the water slides he went to breakfast that morning with his swim suit on!
They said monkey was the life of the "party". That one is too cute for his own good... and a con artist at that. On the first day, Memaw said he could have ONE cookie... every single time she turned around he had another one. All he had to say was "please" (if you can imagine a 2yr old's please) and they would give him one! lol What a stinker! THEN one night mom had to go to the ER she wasn't feeling well and had to leave them at camp (she is fine dr told her to go and get checked out). Well they were watching a movie in the bunk house and let him lay on the bottom bunk to watch the movie. At lights out he would get up and go turn them back on and giggle. They ended up having to put him in the pack in play so he would stay put!
On his first morning at Memaw's and Poppa's he started to say "Pa want out" I know they are enjoying their time with my boys. But I sure do miss them! Here are a few pics from camp. Soon my babies... 10 more days...

so for now
that is all.....
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