This week has been a whirl wind of things to do and it is not even close to being over. Wednesday night we went to the Rangers vs. Red Sox (lost 13-2), we left right after we picked up Noah from school. Not only was it $1 hot-dog night it was, autograph Wednesday. The last time we went for Autograph Wed, we were only able to get 1, and it was the pitching coach. This time there were hardly any people there at 4:20ish when they opened the gates and we were able to get 3! Colby Lewis,
Derrick Holland,
and, Cruz.
Holland was super nice to Gabriel, tried to give him a high five! Poor Gabriel got shy and wouldn't give him one back. That's ok he is still little, only 21 months old. We sat out in the CF just to the left (if your facing the outfield) of the grass. The only HR that the Rangers got that night landed in the next section over like 5 seats from us! That was really neat, Noah just loved it! Mike and I have never been so close to a homer before either!
It was so hot that night too! Only 108 and of course our seats were in the sun! Till the middle of the second a cloud cover came and hid the sun for the rest of the game! Thank goodness otherwise we were not going to be able to sit there much longer!

We had a fan that squirted water, the kids loved that! Noah loved getting his brother and I loved that he loved getting squirted! We love baseball! I hope we can go to another game before the play-offs and post season starts. Of course this does not reflect badly on my boys the Braves one single bit! I LOVE my Braves, but they aren't in town. We left at the beginning of the 7th inning. It was getting late and it was a school night!
Noah came home from school that day with a list for MORE school supplies for his Art class that they go to on Wednesdays. So another $17 later the next day he has hopefully all the supplies he needs for school.
Friday when I went to wake him up, he was already awake and told me that he didn't sleep enough. I told him "sorry but you should have gone to bed when I told you too." He was very tired, I felt bad for him. However, elementary school isn't like pre-k where he can stay home because he was tired. He did get dressed and ready like I told him he had to do. Our trip to the school takes all of like 2-3mins depending on how long it takes me to get out of the neighborhood. He feel asleep! When I went to pick him up, the PE teacher walked him to the car and said he was very weepy and tired. He told me "I cried for you all day mommy." So I pulled out his folder it said "very lethargic today, but followed all directions. 5 stars. cried for mom all day but listened and did what he was told to do." I am so proud that he did what he needed to do all day even though he was so tired. He had a great week, finished the week out with 5 stars everyday! Everyday they start out with 5 stars, minus 1-note in daily folder and no stamp, minus 2- 5- from recess and note to home, minus 3- 10-from recess, and note, minus 4- no recess and note, minus all 5- no recess, go to principal's office and call home. For doing so well his first week in school we are going to go and see Spy Kids, this is a one time thing not a weekly treat. If he does well on his progress report that they get every 6 weeks, maybe then he will get another treat of some sort. We shall see... and on that note...
that is all...
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