Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kiddos, school, etc..

So tonight we are watching Despicable Me for the 10millionth time! "He's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!" lol Love that little girl she is so super cute! I like this movie, it has a lot of good things about it. The family love that he finds in the girls. He tries so hard not to fall for them, but they are just too hard to resist! But really who could resist them anyway? My kids, I would do almost anything for them. (there are limits to everything, ya know what I mean)

I work in retail, today a lot of people were buying uniforms for school. I am SO glad that I bought them already and not having to try to hunt down his sizes. Many people are having issues hunting down the right sizes because they waited to buy them. School around here starts on the 23rd and we have meet the teacher next week. I'm totally freaking out because this is my baby that is going to real school not just pre-k where it doesn't really matter if he goes or not. I finished school supply shopping last week, REALLY glad I don't have to deal with the crazies trying to rush and fight over what's left. I started early, pretty much as soon as they started putting stuff out. I knew a few things that he would need off the top of my head from having friends with kids that have already been in school. That and I looked at last years list that was still up on the site, they had not posted this years when I started shopping. I got 95% of it at Kroger for like dirt cheap, the rest I had to get at Staples because that was the only place that had construction paper (he needed 4 different kinds). On the other hand I am excited that he is going to school! He will be learning so much, before I know it he will be smarter than me!

My school starts on the 29th. I got into my program, Health Information Technology. I will be going for my RHIT accreditation. My hubby also got into the RN program at his school. So for the next 2 years we might be crazy people! At least he doesn't have to go to school next summer like I do. So I have Fall/Spring/SummerI/Fall/Spring. Then I am going to be DONE! I can sit for the national exam in my last semester because we will be done with all my coding classes in the Fall before my last semester. I have taken all but 3 classes that are not my coding classes. So I am only taking 10hrs this semester unlike a few of my 25 classmates, that will have to take a full load of 18hrs. Next semester will be about the same, 2 additional classes to my coding classes.

This semester: 10hrs
Health Data Content/Structure
Health Care Delivery Systems
Essentials Medical Terminology

Next: 13hrs
Advanced Med Term
Coding and Classification Systems
Ambulatory Coding

I'm just glad I got A&P I and II, English, Humanities, business classes, Psychology, and my other computer classes (intro to databases and excel) out of the way! So other than these next two semesters my last 3 will be only coding classes! My last semester is clinical's and BAM that's a wrap! So if I seem a little crazy over the next few months you all know why! Well I better get to bed soon, work in the am!

that is all...

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